17 St. Michael's Rd., Gorey, Y25 AK15

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    Select Service:

    17 St. Michael's Rd., Gorey, Y25 AK15

    Opening Hours
    Mon-Sat: 08:00–17:00 Sun: CLOSED
    Call Us
    +353 5394 01954 / +353 86 9886616

    Geeks Corner

    At fixCraft we’re also massive Geeks and we love all kinds of Geekery and counter culture collectibles.  We have recently partnered with an official wholesaler in the EU for genuine Pokémon and FunkoPOP merchandise (which more stuff coming soon) At the moment call in to store to buy but online shop will launch soon too 🙂

    Official FunkoPOP!

    Official Pokémon Merch and Cards